Homepage / Academic / Vocational Schools
Director's Message

In today's world and in our country, it is a fact that the need for qualified, well-trained technical manpower has been increased. In this context, our Vocational School offers a high quality vocational education opportunity in current programs and aims to enable our students to acquire their profession in the areas needed in our country, to gain the theoretical knowledge, pravtice and professional skills that will enable them to succeed in the businesses they work in.

Our School consists of Justice, Banking and Insurance, Foreign Trade, Public Relations, Logistics (I. II.), Radio and Television Programming, Tourism and Travel Services, Tourism and Hotel Management (I.-II.) programmes and has an experienced and dynamic academic staff.

This experienced academic staff aims to educate our students as the individuals who adopt the basic concepts and principles of the profession they want to have, equipped with the theoretical and practical knowledge required by their profession, who can use the advanced technology effectively, and who are entrepreneurial, cultured and respectful to social and ethical values.

Our university cooperates with public institutions, non-governmental organizations and the private sector in order to create jobs for graduates of our school.

Dear students, our expectation from you is that, by working hard in order to compete with your competitors in the globalizing world and achieve success; as a result you you will make your families, who supported you with great sacrifices, to be proud of your achievements.


Asst. Prof. Erol ÜLGEN

Director of the Vocational School