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Significant Success in Medical Specialty Examination by Faculty of Medicine

In 2018, İstanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University Medical Faculty, which gave its first graduates, achieved an important success in Medical Specialty Examination.

İstanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University, Faculty of Medicine graduated 41 students in 2018. 29 of these students took Medical Specialty Examination. 15 of the students, who took the exam, passed the exam threshold and achieved a significant success.

Dean of Istanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University Faculty of Medicine Dr. Demir Budak stated that this result obtained in the exam was a great success and added ‘As can be seen from these results, more than 50 percent of our students who took the exam have passed the exam threshold. This result obtained by our graduates is an important indicator of the success of our education.

Professor Dr. Demir Budak stated that 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of the students were educated in Cevizlibağ Campus and 4, 5 and 6 grades were educated our hospital in Gaziosmanpaşa. He said ‘I owe all our training staff, academicians and assistant staff working to achieve this success a debt of gratitude.’

Prof. Demir Budak added that this success would increase exponentially with the strong educational staff of Istanbul New Century University Faculty of Medicine consisting of 119 people.

We congratulate Gözde Cesur, who showed a great success by taking 67 points in the exam, and other students, who passed the threshold, as a university and wish success in the profession of Medicine as well.