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The Dean's Message

Communication education is one of the youngest fields in positive sciences, and has been very rapidly developing into a scientific branch. The strongest sign of this is the acknowledgement and labelling of this century as the “Century of Information” or “Age of Communication”…

No doubt that major developments that marked this century are the rapid technological improvements taking place in the communication field and their impact on the society. Communication education is one of the main areas which has been affected from all these new technological developments.

Although at its early stages, communication education in our Faculty is being done through eliminating old structures, opinion and practices, and by closely following and adopting the latest improvements in communication technology and through adopting to the departmental programs, the necessary scope and content using new technology and by also taking into consideration effects of such novel technology on the society’s structure.

During the four year education, our students initially take the basic courses that are necessary and important in communication education, and in the following years they study compulsory theoretical courses related communication and also attend to practical courses of their own programs.

Besides the curriculum, students will also have the opportunity to have an understanding of the sector through attending conferences, meetings, panels, seminars and workshops. Departmental internship in a requirement for the students in order to develop their experience in related sectors in which they aim to work in the near future.

Education in the Faculty is generally given in the Turkish language and students also take English courses throughout the eight semesters starting from the beginning level up to departmental professional level.

Our students are also allowed to choose elective courses from the department, faculty and/or other faculties of the University at their discretion. Thus, students are given the opportunity to promote their double major or minor education both within and out of the faculty, in other departments of the University.

Foreign students applying to our faculty for four year study needs to learn Turkish language in our prep. programs. For short term foreign students, such as those coming by ERASMUS student mobility program, we are offering specially designed courses in the English language.

Our Faculty has made its primary goal to not only to furnish its students with information and skills required in the relevant sector but also to waive them to professional life as contemporary global citizens of the Earth who can do research, analysis and create new ideas as well as to raise them as being persons sensitive to the problems of their homelands and the World.


Prof. Dr. Serra İnci ÇELEBİ
